Zoom Coffee Chat with Springdale Job Corps & Tyna Moreschi, Center Manager

Come and listen to Tyna Moreschi, Center Manager of the Springdale Job Corps,  speak about their Center and future plans.  Job Corp does a great job serving youth and helping them move ahead with specific on-the-job training and eventually life-long careers.  Come, hear and learn about these important services  they provide for our youth! Chamber Admin […]

Zoom Coffee Chat with Springdale Job Corps & Tyna Moreschi, Center Manager

Come and listen to Tyna Moreschi, Center Manager of the Springdale Job Corps,  speak about their Center and future plans.  Job Corp does a great job serving youth and helping them move ahead with specific on-the-job training and eventually life-long careers.  Come, hear and learn about these important services  they provide for our youth! Chamber Admin […]

Zoom Coffee Chat with Springdale Job Corps & Tyna Moreschi, Center Manager

Come and listen to Tyna Moreschi, Center Manager of the Springdale Job Corps,  speak about their Center and future plans.  Job Corp does a great job serving youth and helping them move ahead with specific on-the-job training and eventually life-long careers.  Come, hear and learn about these important services  they provide for our youth! Chamber Admin […]

Zoom Coffee Chat with Peggy Olin of the East County Historical Organization

Come and hear all about the Zimmerman and Heslin Houses which are under the East County Historical Organization.  This organization just recently joined the Chamber and we welcome them!! East County Historical Society has several properties under its umbrella. Come learn about the history of Fairview and about our roots as a community. These homes […]

Zoom Coffee Chat with Peggy Olin of the East County Historical Organization

Come and hear all about the Zimmerman and Heslin Houses which are under the East County Historical Organization.  This organization just recently joined the Chamber and we welcome them!! East County Historical Society has several properties under its umbrella. Come learn about the history of Fairview and about our roots as a community. These homes […]

Zoom Coffee Chat with Peggy Olin of the East County Historical Organization

Come and hear all about the Zimmerman and Heslin Houses which are under the East County Historical Organization.  This organization just recently joined the Chamber and we welcome them!! East County Historical Society has several properties under its umbrella. Come learn about the history of Fairview and about our roots as a community. These homes […]

Zoom Coffee Chat with Peggy Olin of the East County Historical Organization

Come and hear all about the Zimmerman and Heslin Houses which are under the East County Historical Organization.  This organization just recently joined the Chamber and we welcome them!! East County Historical Society has several properties under its umbrella. Come learn about the history of Fairview and about our roots as a community. These homes […]

Annual Meeting on Zoom

Chamber Admin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: Annual Meeting Time: Jun 16, 2021 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87987097475?pwd=SHRQaTVTNkNyMDJsNHI2SW5KTklQdz09   Meeting ID: 879 8709 7475 Passcode: 282139 One tap mobile +13462487799,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (Houston) +16699006833,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (San Jose)   Dial by your location     +1 346 […]

Annual Meeting on Zoom

Chamber Admin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: Annual Meeting Time: Jun 16, 2021 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87987097475?pwd=SHRQaTVTNkNyMDJsNHI2SW5KTklQdz09   Meeting ID: 879 8709 7475 Passcode: 282139 One tap mobile +13462487799,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (Houston) +16699006833,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (San Jose)   Dial by your location     +1 346 […]

Annual Meeting on Zoom

Chamber Admin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: Annual Meeting Time: Jun 16, 2021 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87987097475?pwd=SHRQaTVTNkNyMDJsNHI2SW5KTklQdz09   Meeting ID: 879 8709 7475 Passcode: 282139 One tap mobile +13462487799,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (Houston) +16699006833,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (San Jose)   Dial by your location     +1 346 […]

Annual Meeting on Zoom

Chamber Admin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: Annual Meeting Time: Jun 16, 2021 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)   Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87987097475?pwd=SHRQaTVTNkNyMDJsNHI2SW5KTklQdz09   Meeting ID: 879 8709 7475 Passcode: 282139 One tap mobile +13462487799,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (Houston) +16699006833,,87987097475#,,,,*282139# US (San Jose)   Dial by your location     +1 346 […]

Zoom Coffee Chat with Rev. Brad Busiek of Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church

Come and hear all about Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church and the new food pantry. Smith is making a difference and here to speak about it is the pastor of the church, Brad Busiek! So much is happening at the church from the new pantry to the amazing stained glass windows and rich history of a […]