Chamber Chat for Feb 12th will be at Starbucks at the Gorge Outlets at 7:30am

Starbucks 450 NW 257th Way, Trputdale, OR

Chamber Chat will be once again at the Starbucks in the Gorge Outlets. Great place to meet and network. Round table discussion and good coffee. Bring a friend or another business owner. Going to be great at 7:38am If you are ordering please come 15 minutes early. See you there!

Chamber Chat for Feb 19th will be at Skyland Pub in Troutdale at 7:30

Skyland Pub 3175 S Troutdale Rd, Troutdale, OR

Chamber chat on the 19th will be at Skyland Pub in Troutdale. New owners in the past 3 years or so and we haven't had a chamber chat here so come and enjoy good food and anther round table Chamber chat. Learn from the many experienced business owners that attend our Chamber chats. Invite a […]

Monthly BASH (Business and Social Hour) will be at Bumper’s Bar and Grill in Fairview!

Bumper's Grill and Bar 21935 NE Halsey Ste. 100, Fairview, OR, United States

Aaron of Bumper's Bar and Grill will be our host for this month's BASH. Full house last time so let me know if you are coming so I can tell the owner what to expect. Going to be a great time. Invite a friend or fellow business to this after hours special event.