LOL: Learn Over Lunch

Learn Over Lunch
Wednesday, February 7th
Noon – 1:30 pm
21935 NE Halsey Ste. 100
Fairview, OR 97024
Join us for a fun and educational networking opportunity while you enjoy a delicious meal.
At this event you will be provided an introduction to hypnosis and other techniques that will make creating AND achieving goals for 2018 feel easy and effortless.
For anyone who has ever had a desire to make changes… perhaps has even known the mechanics of how to make changes – and yet has fallen short of the goal.
Diana Ikola is a Certified Hypnotist, Peak Performance Coach and Certified Psych-K Facilitator. Diana is highly skilled in the use of EFT, Emotion Code, guided visualization, and a vast array of Course Correction Techniques that result in rapid change. All of these modalities are used to access and influence subconscious programming allowing you to create your magnificent life.
$15.00 inclusive
Bring a guest ~ Bring your business cards!