A Common Voice For Betterment In West Columbia Gorge
The West Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization that promotes economic development in the West Columbia Gorge area, better relations between local business and government, and opportunities for tourism in our area. We believe that our members together can be a common voice to work towards the interests of our communities. Join the West Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce today to support your community and your business!
Upcoming WCGCC March 2021 Events
The WCGCC has a lot we’re looking forward to in March! Make a mark in your calendar for these upcoming events.
Coffee Chat On Zoom – March 3rd
We’ll get the month started with our first Coffee Chat, led by Gordon Zimmerman, City Administrator of the City of Cascade Locks. Cascade Locks is the second–largest city in Hood River County, located near the Heart of the Gorge. Learn what’s going on in the city with Gordon Zimmerman on March 3rd!
Coffee Chat On Zoom – March 10th
The next Coffee Chat will be led by Greg Dirks, Wood Village City Manager. Learn about the latest news from Wood Village, including an update on the progress of construction for the new Wood Village city hall.
Coffee Chat On Zoom – March 17th
The Fairview City Manager Nolan Young leads the next WCGCC Coffee Chat. Get updates on all the latest news from Fairview City from Nolan Young on the 17th.
Coffee Chat On Zoom – March 24th
For the last Coffee Chat of the month, we have Ray Young, the City Manager of Troutdale lined up as our speaker. Receive news about the City Of Troutdale in late March!
Become A Member Of The West Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce
The West Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to connecting commerce and communities to create economic vitality. We know the values of integrity, community, leadership, and commerce. We envision a bright future for our members and for the entire Columbia West Gorge area. Together we can transform the West Columbia Gorge into a dynamic economic force in the Northwest business community. Interested in joining us? Simply contact us or call 503-669-7473 today to learn more.