The next Gorge Tourism Studio Events are coming up! If you are a business owner or community member in the communities in the Columbia River Gorge, the Gorge Tourism Studio events are designed for you. These workshops are focused on promoting sustainable tourism industries throughout the Gorge. Learn more here: 

5  Apr  | Tourism Marketing & Communications

9am- 4pm | Skyline Hospital

6  Apr  | Igniting Tourism Action Teams

9am- 4pm | Skyline Hospital

6  Apr  | Community Tourism Kickoff Event

5pm- 8pm | Columbia Gorge Hotel

Gorge Tourism Studio


The Gorge Tourism Studio, offered by Travel Oregon in partnership with 26 agencies and organizations, is now open for registration. The winter/spring program will focus on communities in Oregon and Washington within the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area and those surrounding Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood.

Program Overview

The Gorge Tourism Studio program is a series of tourism development workshops designed to assist communities interested in stimulating their local economies through sustainable tourism development, while protecting and enhancing local resources.

As a result of the program, Travel Oregon and the program organizers hope to see an increase in bi-state collaboration to shape the future of a growing tourism economy in the Columbia River Gorge. This will strengthen the region’s position as a premier tourism destination by enhancing community livability and healthy, local environments.

Who Can Attend?

The Gorge Tourism Studio is a bi-state program for residents, businesses and organizations operating in the Columbia River Gorge region, including the 13 communities in the National Scenic Area and those surrounding Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood. Community leaders, tourism business entrepreneurs, tour operators, lodging property owners, land managers, guides, outfitters, outdoor enthusiasts, restaurateurs, event producers and anyone interested in strengthening the local economy through tourism are encouraged to participate in the program.


SRC: Find out more information here:

Looking for lodging near the Columbia River Gorge? Check out Lodging Here