Peter Marbach and Janet Cook have joined together to publish a new photo essay project devoted to the Columbia River Gorge. They will introduce their new book release on Wednesday, May 27th at 6:30 p.m. during a lecture and signing program at the Columbia Center for Arts. Join this Columbia River Gorge Book Release tomorrow in downtown Hood River at the Columbia Center for Arts and learn more about this project below.

“Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area” reunites Marbach with The Gorge magazine editor Cook for their fourth joint book project.

“We are grateful to Peter for the opportunity to show the high end production values of the Columbia Gorge Press,” said Tony Methvin, general manager, in a statement released with the announcement of the book.

Marbach and Cook collaborated in 2011 on a special commemorative book on the 25th anniversary of the legislation that created the national scenic area. The book sold out in its first year. When the previous publisher went out of business, Marbach began a search for a new publisher.

“It is wonderful to be working on a product that is truly 100 percent made in the gorge,” Marbach said. “Partnering with the Columbia Gorge Press has been a blessing and Janet and I are thrilled to keep the legacy going of our work to celebrate and honor the gifts of the gorge.”

SRC: Discover more about The Columbia River Gorge’s Peter Marbach and Janet Cook at:

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