Have an interest in learning about Native American Art of Oregon? On January 7th, 2015 Dr. Tracy Prince will be presenting the history of Oregon’s Native American Art. This Native American Art of Oregon lecture will be held at the Columbia Center of the Arts in Hood River, OR. The admission is only $8 for this presentation that will began at 7 p.m. Wednesday evening. Read details about this Native American Art Lecture below.
At this dynamic conversation and slideshow, learn forgotten moments in Oregon’s Native American history and how Oregon’s Native art differs from that of British Columbia and Alaska. Gorge Owned (GO!) welcomes Dr. Tracy Prince, a Scholar in Residence at PSU’s Portland Center for Public Humanities. She will explain the history of tribal decimations faced by Oregon and Columbia Gorge tribes and how Native American cultural and artistic expressions have survived those decimations. Learn how tribes in Oregon and the Columbia Gorge have expressed artistry via basketry, canoes, longhouses, burial platforms, rock art, beadwork (on clothing, necklaces, headdress and cradleboards), and contemporary artists whose sculptures and paintings are internationally renown.
SRC: Register to attend this Native American Art of Oregon Lecture by visiting: gorgeowned.org/programs/sense-of-place/
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