This is a great family friendly loop filled with forest scenery and the beautiful Latourell Falls. Then the trail loops back around to where you came from.

Trail Description

Beginning from the trailhead from the Historic Columbia River Highway (HCRH), follow the trail uphill to the left of Latourell Falls (or sometimes referred to as the lower falls). At the falls, the lichen-covered columnar basalt formations around the falls steal the show. Continue to the Upper Falls after crossing several bridges and following Henderson Creek. Finally you’ll come to the upper falls, a two tiered drop: first a block fall that’s almost hidden and then a plunge into a pool. 
Now continue on the other side of the creek back to the HCRH. Once you get to the highway, you can return back to your car by carefully walking on the side of the road. Or better yet, cross the highway and walk down some steps to Guy Talbot State Park. Look for a paved path to your right. Follow this approximately .25 miles, taking you under the HCRH. The bridge, dating from 1914, is interesting in its own right, with special lightweight construction due to the unstable soils in the area. This will return you back to your car. 

Learn more about the trail and read and alternate option at:
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