Photo by Ben Mitchell

This Independence Day Hood River offers a parade, the Kollas-Cranmer Run, an Odell parade and of coarse a firework show. The Kollas-Cranmer fun will start at 8 am for walkers and 9 am for runners. The Odell Community parade will start at 4 pm. The firework show will begin at 10 pm. Read more about the Hood River Parade below.

World War II veteran Ed Bartlien and Lila May , 3, will be co-grand marshals of the Hood River parade. The parade has a $10 entry fee, and the Hood River Jackson Park post-parade events require a $25 vendor fee. It is possible to win your parade entry fee back; three of the best entries will receive monetary awards of $50, $35 and $20. Application forms and parade rules are posted at

SRC: For more details on Hood River’s Independence Day Celebration visit: HoodRiverNews.

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