Columbia Gorge Hotel and Spa |
The Columbia Gorge Hotel and Spa is located on a bluff overlooking the great Columbia River. Built in 1921 this hotel has amazing history as well as beauty. With a one of a kind scenic drive to get there and the beauty that it sits in, it is no wonder why it is a greatly desired place to stay while vacationing, traveling, or just getting away for a weekend. Read more about the stars who have stayed here and the history of this hotel below.
Americans first became aware of the extent and majesty of the Columbia River through the Lewis & Clark expedition (1804-1805). The expedition’s purpose was to discover a water route to the Pacific Ocean or, to quote President Thomas Jefferson, to discover “the most direct and practicable water communication across the continent for the purposes of commerce.”Hollywood heartthrobs such as Rudolph Valentino, for whom the lounge was named, and Clara Bow were frequent guests. Then there was Shirley Temple, Burt Reynolds, Olivia Newton-John, Anthony Quinn, Tom Cruise and many other notables, including Presidents Taft, Coolidge and Roosevelt (Teddy).
SRC: Read more about this amazing vacation by Warren Resen here.
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