Sunday, September 16, 2018
10:00 AM Race Start
Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Waterfront Park, Hood River
Entry Fee is $20 prior to Sept. 13th and $30 the day of the event
The Gorge Kids Triathlon was created in 2011 by a group of local moms who saw a need to provide a healthy activity for kids and raise funds for PE programs in the schools. The Triathlon has since grown to accommodate over 300 kids and has gotten the attention of kids from as far away as Bend, Portland and Salem!
The event is completely driven by volunteers who are dedicated to promoting activities for our children and improving wellness programming in the schools. Funds are divided evenly to ALL 5 Hood River Valley Elementary Schools. The Gorge Kids Triathlon Committee consists of parent volunteers from Mid-Valley, Parkdale, Cascade Locks, May Street and Westside Elementary Schools.
Email – gorgekidstri@gmail.com
Gorge Kids Triathlon Mailing Address:
Hood River Community Education
ATTN: Gorge Kids Triathlon
1011 Eugene Street
Hood River, OR 97031