Located at the edge of a cliff, overlooking the Columbia River Gorge it is remarkable how much beauty your eyes can see from The Vista House. It was built at the same time as Highway 30 (Historic Columbia River Gorge Highway) in 1916. The Vista House offers ADA accessible viewpoints, exhibitor information, and restrooms, as well as a non ADA accessible picnic area. Read below for the current and future schedule for visiting The Vista House.
Vista House Current Hours:Vista House is open 9 am – 6 pm, weather permittingUpcoming Hours:Starting Monday 10/6/14 will be 10 am – 4 pm, weather permitting.Starting Monday 11/3/14 Vista House will be open WEEKENDS ONLY, 10 am – 4 pm, weather permitting.
SRC: Find more information about The Vista House at: www.oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=parkPage.dsp_parkPage&parkId=108
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